Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Civic Voice AGM and Convention 2013

The 2013 Civic Voice and converntion was held in Liverpool this year on the 25th and 26th October hosted by Merseyside Civic Society. Arthur Procter and Alan and Gillian Postill represented Marple Civic Society.

Day one started with guided tours around the city followed by a civic reception in the magnificent Liverpool Town Hall.

Civic Voice President Griff Rhys Jones
The AGM proper, on day two, again held in the town hall, included an inspirational keynote speech by Civic Voice President Griff Rhys Jones. Griff emphasised the need for Civic Voice to become a true 'movement' to represent the many people who want to be part of something that can make their community better. He went on to say that whilst accepting the need to get the eonomy moving the myriad of proposals coming forward from government are clearly not the answer - they are creating scepticism and uncertainty, not confidence.

Neighbourhood Planning workshop
Also debated were planning laws, future campaigns for the movement and the preparation of a Civic Voice 'manifesto'.

Workshops were held including 'Neighbourhood Planning" which MCS representatives chose to attend to help inform our forthcoming sub group meeting set up to examine Localism /Community Rights legislation and what it means for Marple.

New chair of trustees, Freddie Gick, was voted in replacing Paula Ridley who stands down after three years in the post. Freddie paid a warm tribute to Paula who has overseen the growth of Civic Voice  to a position where it represents approaching 300 civic societies with 75,000 members.

Photos by Arthur Procter - see more photos here

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Final Stages of the Marple Local Listing Process

Photos by Arthur Procter
The social meeting held last Thursday was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent opportunity to chat with members, some old and several new who were attending  for the first time.  

Paul Hartley, Conservation Manager at Stockport MBC, steered us briefly through the Local Listing Process and then treated us to a presentation of beautiful photos of buildings and structures, throughout Marple North and South wards, that will be locally listed very soon.

Paul Hartley - Conservation Manager - Stockport MBC
Local Listing is important to confer a degree of protection on heritage buildings and structures that do not fulfill the criteria for statutory listing but nevertheless  are important locally to Marple.

The list is now due to go before the councillors and the Executive Member for a final decision. Once owners have been notified that their property is on the local list it will be emailed to local groups, many of which put nominations forward, and then posted on our website.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Donation from Marple Carnival Committee 2013

 Marple Civic Society was one of many charities to received a donation of £100 from the Marple Carnival Committee 2013.

The carnival is an annual event which dates back to 1962. Held on the third Saturday of June each year it is always a colourful, musical, happy family event. This year was no exception and, for once, the sun shone bringing people out in droves.

The carnival committee is run entirely by volunteers. If you have any spare time they would love to hear from you as several members are  retiring this year.


Marple Lime Kilns - Heritage at Risk

Marple Lime Kilns have been identified by English Heritage as a scheduled monument 'at risk' and reported by the Independent Newspaper as being 'in need of attention' (See here)

Following a recent visit to Marple and Mellor from the English Heritage, Heritage at Risk team, the Lime Kilns were added to the Heritage at Risk register (See here for full story).

The plight of Marple Lime Kilns was highlighted in the Society's "Vision for Marple" in 2010 and subsequently included in the HLF bid "Revealing Oldknow's Legacy". The Lime Kilns are inextricably linked to Marple's history. Limestone arrived by canal boat from Dove Holes and was burnt in the kilns using coal obtained from the site. Lime was used locally for building and agricultural purposes or returned to the canal to be transported elsewhere by boat.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Civic Society Social Evening 10th October 2013

    Annual Social Evening - Local Listing Project
         To be help on 10th October 2013 in Marple Library at 7.30pm

Paul Hartley, Conservation Manager from Stockport MBC, will give an informal presentation about the Marple Local Listing Project. The project is in the final stages so it is an opportunity to see which buildings and structures have been included and to learn more about Local Listing and its importance to our built environment and heritage. 

There are many buildings and structures that reflect Marple's history and heritage that do not fulfill the criteria for statutory listing.  Local listing is one way of providing some protection for these buildings.

          Peel Terrace
Historic Interest/Group Value

Photo to the right shows Peel Terrace c. 1904 with Goyt Mill under construction in the background.
Peel Terrace is named after Rober Peel.

Photo below shows Peel Terrace as it is today.

     Do join us if you can for what promises to be 
         an interesting and informative evening   

Wine, soft drinks and nibbles will be served 
You will be most welcome

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Lobbying Bill

The government has introduced a bill before Parliament to regulate lobbying by interest groups including charities.

Whilst some see a need to regulate lobbying by powerful interest groups, many in the charity sector, including the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) and Civic Voice feel that the bill is unclear and may restrict campaigning by charities and other voluntary organisations - something the government tell us is not their intention.  NCVO is lobbying hard to modify the bill so that charities are not caught up in the new lobbying rules

Marple Civic Society has written to our MP Andrew Stunell to alert him to our concerns and asking that he take them into account in the forthcoming debate in Parliament.