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Successful bid by Canal and River Trust and Mellor Archaeological Trust for Heritage Lottery Funding for a project at Mellor Mill, Marple Aqueduct and Marple Lime Kilns.
To view all posts for this topic type the search words "Oldknow's HLF Bid"in the search box above.

Sucessful campaign to oppose the ASDA/ CAMSFC proposal to build a supermarket on the College's Hibbert Lane campus.
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Local Listing
Community project to list approximately 100 local buildings and structures of heritage value in Marple.
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Marple College Development
Following the refusal of planning permission to build an ASDA supermarket on the Hibbert Lane college site the college succesfully sold the site to Morris Homes for a housing development. Planning permission was granted.
To view all posts for this topic type the search words "Marple College Development" in the search box above.
Town Centre Portas Bid
Although the initial bid for £100,000 failed, Marple was awarded £10,000 towards the town centre regeneration.
To view all posts for this topic type the search words "Portas Bid" in the search box above.