The society's 52nd AGM took place on Tuesday 25th March in Marple Library.
Chairman Gillian Postill took the opportunity to discuss the importance of effective communication with members and the threat posed by the the traffic scheme associated with the planning consent for the new foodstore on Chadwick Street car park.
She pointed out that the traffic scheme had not been consulted on and need not be consulted on if the council goes ahead with the foodstore in its present form. She confirmed that the civic society supports a new foodstore as a means of regenerating Marple centre but with a condition that the council re-thinks the public realm and traffic management proposals and commissions a public realm fesibility study to look at options, and involves the community in a meaningful consultation. If "localism" means anything it means giving the people of Marple a say in how their town is developed.
The society has obtained a budget quote from a leading consultancy for an initial feasibility study to examine existing traffic data and provide schemes showing how Marple centre could look. The cost £5000. This is a very small sum compared to the total spend on the existing scheme, much of which may well be unnecessary.
During questions Cllr. Ingham (Marple South) made clear that she supported the society's call for an independent study into the public realm and traffic management issues in Marple centre.
Finally, Gillian drew attention to the painting of Mellor Mill donated to the society by Barbara Sexton whose late husband, Basil, was a founder member of the society. She thanked Barbara for the generous donation. She also thanked life member Steve Abbott for his research into the history of the painting and our president Angus Yeaman for looking after the painting for the society until we can find a suitable location to put it on public display.
Read Gillian's address in full
See trustees report for a summary of the society's work during 2013
Treasurer Gordon Johnson presented the accounts which had been independently examined. He paid tribute to Mike Kinder our honourary examiner for many years and confirmed that he had agreed to continue for the coming year. Gordon reported that we had a surplus for the year of £190.47 and the balance of the society's funds is £2404.46 which is sufficient to fund the society's activities throughout 2014.
The society's accounts for 2013 can be viewed
Complete minutes of the AGM can be viewed
The election of officers, committee members and advisors was followed by a talk by Freddie Gick, chairman of trustees of Civic Voice.
Freddie spoke about the role of Civic Voice in representing local societies at national level through ministerial contact and through the "All Party Parliamentary Group for Civic Societies"
Civic Voice has approaching 300 affiliated societies with approximately 75000 members giving it significant influence when speaking to legislators.
Photos by Arthur Procter more