Thursday, 29 May 2014

Planning Minister Nick Boles MP visits Marple Civic Society

Planning Minister Nick Boles MP today visited Marple to speak with Chair of Marple Civic Society, Gillian Postill, and Prospective Conservative MP William Wragg about the issues affecting Marple Town Centre and how sensible development can enhance the town.

The Hollins Road/Stockport Road Junction
which will be widened as part
 of the traffice management scheme

Gillian explained to the Minister that the society supports the town centre foodstore development and views it as a significant regeneration opportunity. However, the supporting traffic management scheme, designed by SMBC traffic engineers without public consultation, is wholly unsatisfactory. The scheme is focused on cars with almost no consideration given to the public  realm or people movement around the town.

Gillian Postill and
 Planning Minister Nick Boles MP
The society is calling for an 'Independent Urban Design Study' of the town to take a fresh look at all the issues relating to modern place-making with the aim of creating a  people-friendly place for Marple town centre. This should include meaningful public consultation.

The Minister was clearly interested in what we had to say and we are glad that he wants to be kept informed; we will certainly keep him updated.

Photos by Arthur Procter

Brief for Planning Minister Nick Boles MP visit to Marple - view here
Planning Minister meets Marple Civic Society - Press Release - May 2014 - view here

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Committee meeting minutes for the 27th May 2014

Committee meeting minutes for the 27th May 2014 can be viewed here

The committee meeting was followed by an interesting and thought provoking talk by Ian Edgar, chairman of the Inland Waterways Protection Society (soon to be renamed Bugsworth Basin Heritage Trust) on the subject of "How do we secure the long-term future of Bugsworth Basin after the project is completed".

Ian's solution, involving partnership working and careful succession planning, has relevance beyond Bugsworth Basin and was listened to with keen interest by his audience.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Speaker Meeting Tuesday 27th May 2014

Our next speaker meeting will take place this Tuesday 27th May 2014.
The speaker is Ian Edgar, Chairman of the Inland Waterways Protection Society, who is responsible for the ongoing restoration and operation of Bugsworth Basin.

Ian Edgar - Chairman of the
Inland Waterways Protection Society
You may well have heard one of Ian's passionate talks about the regeneration projects at Bugsworth Basin funded by HLF grants and other funding sources. But on this occasion Ian is taking a different angle for his talk:      

"How do we secure the long-term future of Bugsworth Basin after the project is completed?". 

Ian will focus his talk on Bugsworth Basin but the same challenges face us here in Marple where many funded restoration projects are taking place. How can we ensure the longevity of projects for future generations?

Come and join us for this thought provoking presentation                                by an experienced and inspiring volunteer.

All speaker meetings are free of charge and open to members of the public - light refreshments served prior to the meeting.

Venue: Marple Library - upstairs meeting room - lift available
Date: Tuesday 27th May 2014 - 4.00pm - 5.00pm
Refreshements served at 3.40pm

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Hawk Green Residents Association May Day Festival

The Civic Society had a stand at the Hawk Green Residents Association Mayday Festival, held in bright sunshine on "The Green" on 17th May.  The festival theme was a commemoration of the start of the 1914 -18 war.  The event included maypole dancing by children from All Saints Primary School, music from the Hawk Green brass band and a range of stands from local groups and craft stalls.

The society's stand included a display on the "Right to Bid" legislation to protect our "Assets of Community Value" and details of our views on the proposed traffic management arrangements associated with the new foodstore the council are planning for Chawick Street car park. 

We received seven suggestions of Assets of Community Value from members of the public which the civic society will consider nominating for listing.

We took the opportunity to brief local councillors
and our patron, Andrew Stunell MP, on the society's view regarding the Chadwick Street development traffic scheme and our call for an "independent urban design study" of which the traffic scheme would be an integral part.

Thanks to Arthur Procter for the photos.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Committee Meeting Minutes 29th April 2014

Committee meeting minutes for the 29th April 2014 can be viewed here

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

New Bandroom, Grand Opening Gala Concert

   Charlie's Bandroom Dream 
            Comes True!

The Brass Bands of Marple are pleased to announce that the Charles Ingham Bandroom is now complete. To celebrate this historic event the Brass Bands of Marple have arranged a Gala Concert in Marple Memorial Park on 18th May 2014.  

            All supporters of the band and members of the public are invited to the:

            Grand Opening of New Bandroom Gala Concert  
                          Sunday 18th May, 2pm - 4.30pm 
                                 Marple Memorial Park

2pm        Members of Marple and Hawk Green Bands perform rousing and celebratory music
3pm        Welcome - Cllr Susan Ingham
3.10pm   Mayor of Stockport, Cllr Kevin Hogg and Sir Andrew Stunell MP, cut the ribbon and  
               officially open the Charles Ingham Bandroom
3.30pm   The Marple Band and Hawk Green Band play a selection of Brass Band favourites
4.30pm   Close

Make a day of it and bring along a picnic and a rug, cushion or lightweight chair.

Marple Civic Society congratulates the Brass Bands of Marple on their massive achievement in converting the Park Keepers Cottage in Marple Memorial Park to provide a permanent home and vibrant music centre for the Brass Bands of Marple.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Marple Sixth Form College Update

Committee members of Marple Civic Society had a meeting this week with senior managers of Marple Sixth Form College to discuss the college’s development plans following the withdrawal in 2013 of the proposal to build a supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site.  

The college representatives explained the considerable financial pressures they face due to the age and condition of the college buildings, high maintenance costs and cuts in government funding over the last five years.

The college is in discussion with a planning consultant to develop a proposal to build houses on the Hibbert Lane site and to use the capital raised from this scheme to redevelop the facilities on the Buxton Lane site; this development is expected to be modified and smaller in scale than the previous plan. Sports facilities will be provided as part of the development on Buxton Lane.

The Society’s interest is in the impact on the community of the college’s proposed development work and, while many individual members are interested in the educational development, the Society would not seek to discuss that except in so far as it affects other community issues.

It was agreed at the meeting that the College and Marple Civic 
Society have a significant overlap of interest in the traffic and 'public realm' issues connected with the development of possible housing in Hibbert Lane, the college in Buxton Lane and the possible development of a supermarket in Trinity Street. All these will have a big impact on the local community. It was agreed that further discussions will be held when either party has any issue of community significance to explore.