What a splendid day the Marple Lime Kilns Discovery Day turned out to be. After a week of rain the sun shone brightly all day. The opportunity to learn about the Lime Kilns' history and architecture, and to catch glimpses of the pad stones which supported the rails of the tramway system, attracted visitors all day long.
Half hourly tours took place throughout the day and afterwards visitors could view the
information stands, video screens and research material on display at the Forces Club.
This is the first public event at the Lime Kilns as part of the Heritage Lottery Funded 'Revealing Oldknow's Legacy' 3 year project.
The project, which is run by the Mellor Archaeological Trust and Canal and River Trust, covers three sites from the Industrial Revolution and tells the story of Samuel Oldknow, the industrial entrepeneur, responsible for so much of the Marple we see today. The civic society worked in partnership with the project to deliver the Lime Kilns Discovery Day.
A further project is planned in October this year; one of 3 consecutive annual community events to uncover more archaeological evidence at the Lime Kilns site and discover more of its history. The October event is likely to be a community dig following the tramway across Oldknow's recreation ground.
If you are interested in becoming a 'Friend' of the Lime Kilns, would like to get involved in the community dig in October or just find out more about the projects please get in touch with the projects's activity officer:
Pamela Pearson: pamela.pearson@canalrivertrust.org.uk or call/text 07825 044379
Thanks to Arthur Procter for taking the photos
Thanks to Arthur Procter for taking the photos