Friday, 26 June 2015

Hollins Forecourt ACV nomination withdrawn

Three Assets of community Value were listed at the last Area Committee meeting: two allotments sites and the Oldknow Recreation Ground.

A fourth nomination was submitted, but subsequently withdrawn because the  Corporate Directors Report was of the opinion that the nomination did not meet the criteria although no reasons were given in the report. However, we believe it is because it is a public footpath/highway. We also understand that the council is considering making  a footpath/highway an automatic exclusion to ACV listing.

The Localism Act - Community Right to Bid, sets out the criteria and exclusions to listing ACV. It is the use of a building or open space, not its ownership, that determines whether a nomination should be successful and listed as an ACV. The status and ownership of the Hollins Forecourt, as a footpath/highway, does not automatically preclude it from being listed as an ACV as it is not one of the listed exclusions. The Hollins Forecourt is very much a people/community space valued and used by local people on a daily basis.

Following a Select Committee Review, a Government Review is due sometime this year. After talking to the Department of Communities and Local Government we have sent details of the Hollins nomination to support an amendment to the Localism Act to include A Right of Appeal for the nominatiing body. Should this be successful, and the Localism Act amended accordingly, we will re-submit the nomination and consider appealing against the decision should the nomination be refused.

See Corporate Directors Report HERE

See Hollins Forecourt nomination HERE

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Report on Marple Area Committee Meeting 10th June 2015

A report on the Marple Area Committee Meeting that took place on 10th June 2015 can be viewed HERE

A question on behalf of the Civic Society asked the committee to invite submissions from residents suggesting measures that could be introduced to increase resident's participation.  The committee agreed to the request.

Suggestions should be forwarded to the Civic Society or to Cllr Ingham, chair of Marple Area Committee for formal submission to the committee.

Future Marple Area Committee Meetings

15th July 2015 
12th August 2015
30th September 2015
11th November 2015
16th December 2015
10th February 2016
16th March 2016
20th April 2016 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Bollington Civic Society Visits Marple

Bollington Civic Society visited Marple for a conducted heritage tour of the town led by local historian and civic society member Judith Wilshaw. The heavens opened, it poured down and gale-force winds blew umbrellas inside out but that didn't seem to matter. All 20 of our guests stayed the course and ended up in the Navigation for a drink, chat and to look at photos of old Marple.

Photos by Arthur Procter 

It was great to link with a neighbouring civic society to show them our town and exchange experiences.

Huge thanks go to Judith for conducting the tour with her usual enthusiasm and humour, despite the weather, and her generous donation to Marple Civic Society of £35.50 from the proceeds.