Save Manchester's Greenbelt is an umbrella association representing of the "Save the Greenbelt" groups across Greater Manchester. The organisation supports affordable housing on Brownfield sites and seeks to protect all Greenbelt for future generations.
A highly successful march organised by "Save Stockport's Greenbelt" and comprising of approximately 1000 High Lane, Woodford and Cheadle residents met in front of Stockport Town Hall in December 2016, during the first consultation, showed Stockport council the strength of
feeling amongst residents.
The second consultation on a revised plan will begin in August. Councillors and officers need to know that only very significant changes to the proposal will be acceptable.
The rally on Saturday will be supported by residents from all ten boroughs comprising the GMCA. It will be supported by the Council for the Protection of Rural England who will provide a speaker on the day.
The rally will take place at 1-00pm in Albert Square outside the Manchester Town Hall. If you care about your Greenbelt spare a couple of hours of your time to show how much you care.
N.B. Marple Civic Society made a detailed response to the first consultation - see HERE