Friday, 20 October 2017

Lime Kilns Talk at Society's Social Evening

The society's annual social evening took place on Thursday 12th October 2017.  Our speaker, Norman Redhead, gave a very interesting presentation on work carried out at Marple Lime Kilns as part of the "Revealing Oldknow's Legacy" project.

Norman, who is Heritage Management Director at the University of Salford, described some of the intersting finds at the Lime Kilns and surrounding area during the project.  The site is of major archaeological interest and further work is envisaged on completion of the "Oldknow" project early next year.

Norman drew our attention to two forthcoming events that may interest members.

The "Oldknow's Legacy" project team are hoping to form a "Friends" group for the Lime Kilns.
An event has been organised on 28th october 2017 at the Lime Kilns, see below for details.

Marple Lime Kilns Needs YOU!

We are forming a friends group.

Get involved from the beginning.

This 200-year old protected structure wants you to grow its hidden potential.

Walks, talks and conversation over refreshments and food

Places are limited – Please Book

Speakers: Maria Luczak, Luczak Associates, Landscape Management & Heritage;
Norman Redhead, Heritage Management Director for Archaeology Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service

Representatives of the Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy Project and Stockport Council’s Greenspace Team will also be there to outline available support.

Date: Saturday 28th October 2017

Time: 11am - 2pm

Venue: Marple Lime Kilns & Marple Forces Club, 3 Lime Kiln Lane, Marple, Stockport. SK6-6BX

Where to meet us: Meet us at the foot of the gothic Lime Kilns façade, to find out more about the history and special features of this unique site, the impending landscaping and recent discoveries.

From there we can retire to the Social Forces Club for talks and conversation over refreshments and food whilst we consider its bright future.

Everyone welcome: Anyone with an interest in social & industrial heritage, ecology, green spaces & parklands and the enthusiasm of being part of a new group. Not sure what you can bring to the session. Bring yourself and we will help you work it out.

No age restrictions: A crafty table will be available to keep children entertained. Halloween Lantern bags for all to enjoy.
Contact Details:
Natasha Lolljee 
Project Volunteer Co-ordinator
Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy in Marple 
Mobile: 07876 477977 

Finally, Greater Manchester Archaeological day will take place on 25th November 2017 at University of Salford,  see HERE for details.

Monday, 9 October 2017

Members Social Evening Thursday 12th October

The society's annual members' social and speaker evening will take place this Thursday - everyone is welcome. Doors open 7.15pm                                 

  Topic: Marple Lime Kilns - Revealing Oldknow's Legacy  
                                                     3 years and beyond....................

                       Speaker: Norman Redhead - Heritage Management Director 
                                                     (Archaeology) at the University of Salford
                       Venue: Marple Library 12th October - 7.30 - 9.30pm


Norman Redhead
As the 3 year Heritage Lottery Funded Project comes to a close, what have we learnt about the Lime Kilns? What does the future hold for this important scheduled monument that tells us so much about Marple's past? Come along to find out how the research and archaeological investigations of the 3 year project have enhanced our knowledge and understanding of Marple's history and heritage.
Most importantly, learn how the 'management plan' will take the project forward and protect the monument for future generations. 

This is an open meeting, free of charge, and all are welcome 
 join us at 7.15pm for a glass of wine and nibbles - we look forward to seeing you.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Stockport Local Plan & SEMMMS Refresh - Civic Society Response to Stockport MBC Consultations

Marple Civic Society's response to the Stockport MBC consultations on the draft Local Plan & SEMMMS refresh can be viewed HERE

The closing date for responses is 8th October 2017, so there is still time to                               send individual responses.  Please feel free to use the Civic Society response                         to inform your response if you wish.

Summary of Response
Taken together, the draft Local Plan Issues and Options and SEMMMS consultations:
  1. Land-use planning and transport planning are fundamentally linked but the papers do not explain how these two issues can or will be progressed together. We think they should have been presented as one paper, not as separate consultations. This is essential if we want to plan successful, balanced communities in Stockport and to create inclusive places with a good quality of life.

  2. The SEMMMS paper does not acknowledge that from 2001-17 the only substantive SEMMMS delivery has been road schemes (new roads, plus some limited bus priority improvements); there has been almost no delivery of alternative schemes. More important than a wish-list of schemes is the creation of a clear delivery mechanism for all modes of transport, particularly public transport and cycling, not just the new road element.

  3. A much more thorough approach to the District Centres as shopping and service centres should be taken and their ‘health’ examined more carefully. Attention should be paid to the quality of public realm and the need to ensure traffic does not dominate communities.

  4. The role of Neighbourhood Plans is ignored – these are a part of the statutory planning system and several plans are in active preparation.

  5. There is not enough concern with housing quality, and no real discussion about density. Target numbers appear to dominate thinking. High density is fully compatible with high quality – there is ample evidence that ‘compact city’ development in northern Europe creates better housing and better environments than we do in Stockport.

  6. Employment should be better linked with housing, and be less Stockport-centric

  7. Green Belt development should be a last resort, and the focus for new housing should be on existing urban areas

  8. Green Infrastructure should be an integral part of new developments 

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Committee Meeting Minutes 26th September 2017

Committee Meeting minutes for 26th September 2017 can be viewed HERE

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Marple Wharf Housing Development - Planning Application DC/067000 and Listed Building consent DC/067001

The society's planning team has sent a response to Stockport MBC Planning Department to recommend refusal of planning application DC/067000 and Listed Building consent DC/067001, for a housing development, including conversion of the Grade II listed warehouse into a luxury house, at Marple                                 Wharf (Canal and River Trust Yard), Church Street, Marple, SK6 6BN

Marple Wharf Warehouse
under threat of convertion to a 4 bedroommed house

To view the application documents see HERE 

To view the Society's response see HERE

Feel free to use the Society's response to help you write your own response. 

It will add weight if you say it in your own words but the important thing is to respond - be sure to state that your response is to both applications: planning application DC/067000 and Listed Building consent DC/067001 and copy your response to our local councillors if possible.

The planning application will come to Marple Area Committee to be judged by our local councillors. Responses will be received and considered by SMBC planning officer until a decision is made.

Public opinion really does matter with this application 
............please, please respond..........

Our best guess is that it will be the December Area Commitee meeting. As soon as the date is confirmed we will email members and put the date and details on the website

Check the website regularly so you don't miss the Marple Area Committee date 

A "38 Degrees" petition to Stockport Council to reject the application has been set up 

Sign the petition HERE