The Civic Society will no longer take notes at Marple Area Committee for our website. This is because, after asking for a review on the way the Area Committee is conducted, and how it engages with local residents, some welcome changes have been made:
1. The Area Committee is now streamed live and a webcast is available for 6 months following the meeting. You can watch the whole webcast or select specific sections by following the
link HERE
2. There is greater opportunity for resident participation at the Area Committee meetings. Details are given in the agenda which is released one week before the meeting.
3. Email updates of local issues and public realm works can be requested from the Democratic Officer /Secretary Stephen Fox
To be added to the email list contact:
Civic Society committee members will aim to watch live streams of the meeting and attend meetings to ask questions and when subjects of importance to our civic committee work are being discussed. We will report on relevent issues.
We also aim to improve our communication within committee and make greater use of our democratic process through Area Committee. This will be the responsibility of all committee members rather than a dedicated team as before.
The civic society submitted two questions to Councillors at Marple Area Committee on the 7th November:

Q. 1 -
Re the future of Marple Swimming Baths Link to the questions
Stockport Council has commissioned a review and appraisal of potential sites to relocate the swimming Baths in Marple.
Marple Memorial Park is included in the list of sites for consideration. There is considerable public support for integrated community facilities in Memorial Park. Further updates will be provided through Marple Area Committee
Q.2. Re an update on town Centre Work
Link to the questioin HERE
There is a hiatus in the Stockport Council and Atkins' project to improve the town centre. Cllr Blair said he would refer this to Director of Place, Carolyn Simpson, for an answer. We also asked about the SMBC District Centre Project, led by Paul Richards. Councillor Blair asked for Mr Richards to be invited to the December Area Committee meeting to explain the project and what it means for Marple.
A further two questions were asked about the
speed bumps on Windlehurst Road. Cllr Blair reported that there were no plans to remove any of the speed bumps already installed.
The highways engineer stated there was a funding issue for the last section of speed humps to be implemented, from Broadhurst Bridge to Hawk Green. Cllr Blair reported that the Area Committee had not received any information of funding problems and it was Area Committee's intention that installation would go ahead as soon as the council could make that happen. Link to the questions
Planning Application DC/065826 92-94 Church Lane (Albert School site)
The application for demolition of existing buildings and develoopment of 360sq meter retail space and 20 two bed apartments was recommended by the planning officer to grant.
The 6 councillors had many concerns about the development. The application must go to Planning & Highways Committee (P&H) for a decision but Area Committee recommended a site visit by P&H and a recommendation to refuse on the following grounds:
1. Heritage issue 2. Inadequate proximity distances to neighbouring houses 3. Lack of adequate parking space
It is noted that Albert School was the only heritage nomination refused by SMBC for local listing. Over a hundred heritage buildings were locally listed giving them protection under planning law.
Listen to the whole or part of the webcast
HERE (live link available for 6 months only)
Future Marple Area Committee Dates
12th December 2018
30th January 2019
6th March 2019
10th April 2019