Thursday, 20 December 2018

SMBC Consultation on Street Cleaning, Highway Grass Verge Maintenance and Parks

Stockport Council is planning more budget savings in areas of Street Cleaning, Greenspace and Traffic and Infrastructure. The proposals include:

Streets and public areas:
- reducing frequency of street cleaning
- removing litter bins from streets
- mowing grass verges less often
- converting lawned land to natural habitat

Park Areas:
- reducing the number of bowling greens
- removing litter bins
- removing horticultural beds
- reduced maintenance to play areas
- mowing grass less frequently
- reduced maintenance of shrubs and hedges

For further information see The Marple Website HERE

To have your say, respond to the consultation HERE

The consultation closes 11 January 2019

Thursday, 13 December 2018

Marple Wharf - Planning Permission refused

The Marple Wharf planning application was heard at Marple Area Committee last night. We are delighted to report that our local councillors refused the applicatioin to develop the site. Five councillors voted to refuse the application and one claimed prejudicial interest. 
Marple Wharf
Planning Permission refused by Marple Local Councillors

Of course, the wharf cannot be left as it is - it needs to be developed and cared for - the Civic Society has campaigned for 10 years for a mixed use scheme commensurate with its heritage status and including community facilities. We hope that Canal & River Trust will contact the community soon with this in mind.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Marple Wharf - Dense Housing Scheme to be decided at Area Committee 12th December 2018

It is confirmed that, after 10 years, the fate of Marple Wharf will be decided at Marple Area Committee on the 12th December 2018.  
The meeting starts at 6pm in the Senior Citizens Hall on the approach to Marple Memorial Park.

The last and final delay was due to the developer, H20 Urban, on behalf of Canal & River Trust, suggesting that our local councillors were compromised and therefor not fit to judge the planning  application. 

Of course, CRT's developer knows it is in their interest that the application is judged, not by local councillors, but by the Planning & Highways Committee who have little knowledge of, and no passion for Marple and Marple Wharf. 

However, we can confirm that our councillors at Marple Area Committee can judge the planning application and can decide to grant or refuse planning permission for the dense housing development scheme at Marple Wharf. 

Now, we can only put our trust in our councillors to do what they are elected to do - vote on the planning application and give their reasons for their decision to their electorate. We therefore trust that all councillors will use their vote and that the decision is made by them in Marple - to this end, when working with councillors we have been careful not to compromise their position to vote on the application. At all times we have observed the rules for working with councillors on local campaigns which are clearly set out in the Localism Act.

The community of Marple and those who really care for Marple Wharf have more than 'done their bit' to work with Canal & River Trust (CRT) to find an acceptable scheme for this important canal heritage site - but to no avail. CRT refused to budge - all negotiations ended in 'No Change'

If you care about Marple Wharf and think it derserves better, come along to Marple Area Committee on the 12th December 2018 to let your councillors know your views. Although you cannot speak your presence will speak volumes. We hope to see you there.

The Area Committee Agenda gives the following details about the Marple Wharf Planning application:

"In connection with redevelopment of Marple Yard comprising the change of use and conversion of the former canal warehouse to residential use (Use Class C3); demolition of outbuildings and structures; the erection of 7 no. dwelling houses (Use Class C3) and a storage building incorporating a waterway service station, together with associated landscaping, parking and alterations to access road (and listed building consent) at Marple Wharf.
The Area Committee are recommended to grant planning permission."

NB - The recommendation to councillors is just that - a recommendation - the councillors have the powers to grant or refuse the application.