Friday, 22 March 2019

AGM 2019 - 'The Future of the Society'

Just to remind you of the details of the Civic Society's 57th AGM

 Marple Civic Society - AGM
Followed by Presentation & Discussion re 'The Future of the Society'
Tuesday 26th March at 3.00pm - 5.00pm
In Marple Library
Refreshments served from 2.40pm

Four members of the committee are retiring this year after many years of service. 

Please join us to discuss the Future of the Society - to decide how we can move forward and build on the strength the society has built up over the last 10 years.

If you can't make the AGM come along to the evening workshop on Monday 15th April to discuss the same issue. Ian Harvey, Director of Civic Voice - the national civic movement for England and Wales - will be joining us to help facilitate the evening.

We hope to see you at either the afternoon or evening event. We are keen to give everyone an opportunity to share their views and ideas. You don't have to be a member to attend; if you care for Marple you will be very welcome.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Greater Manchester Spatial Framework Draft 2 Consultation Response

The closing date to respond to the Greater Manchester Spactial Framework is
                                    Monday 18th March 2019.


The proposed development in High Lane (GMA38) plans 500 houses - supposedly suitable for elderly people - on a greenfield site along the A6 on the edge of High Lane Village. This is very odd logic. There is a need for suitable accommodation for older people but it should be in the village centre, not on the edge of the village where public transport is inadequate, there is no social connection and the only means of accessing the local doctors, shops, village hall, library, other than by car, is a dangerous, unpleasant uphill trek along the A6 which already has high pollution levels and congestion, made worse recently following the opening of the A555 link road from the A6 towards Manchester Airport.

We recently attended a meeting with Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, arranged by Cllr Blair for 'Save Stockport Green Belt (SSGB)' and other High Lane community Groups. The Mayor listened and was receptive to suggestions. We explained that it is possible to avoid building on Greenbelt land by either using the most recent housing projection figures (the Government and GMSF continue to use out of date ones) or by reducing the length of the plan to 15-17 years. Both are political choices so we hope the politicians will make the right choices to avoid building on Greenbelt.
We learned that the last GMSF consultation didn't receive a huge written response, so........


Send your response by email to: 

Alternatively, use the SSGB questionnaire, prepared by Cllr Blair, or visit us in High Lane Village Hall tomorrow from 10.30 - 2.30pm - questionnaires will be available and we will be helping people to complete them.

Our full response to the GMSF consultation can be found HERE

SSGB residents response form can be found HERE

Monday, 11 March 2019

Notice of AGM 2019 - 'The Future of the Society'

                 We hope you will join us for the Civic Society's 57th AGM                                            

                                          Marple Civic Society
                  AGM - followed by: Presentation & Discussion re "The Future of the Society"
                                               Tuesday 26th March at 3.00pm - 5.00pm
                                                                    in Marple Library
                                                   Refreshments served from 2.40pm

                Following the Business Meeting there will be a presentation and discussion about:

                                                         "The Future of the Society" 

Four members of committee will be retiring this year after many years of hard and dedicated service. 
There is no doubt that Marple would be a poorer place without a Civic Society but we are at a cross-roads - how does the Society go forward and build on the strength it has built up over the last 10 years? This is what we will be addressing at the AGM. 

If you can't make the AGM there will be an opportunity to come along to an evening workshop - details available soon - we want as many people as possible to help us to decide the "Future of the Society"

We have an opportunity to recruit new blood wth fresh ideas to reinvigorate the committee and the society - find new people with energy and enthusiasm to take forward a dynamic and thriving society that will continue to stand up for Marple. But how do we do that? We need your help to find the answer. 

Please join us - you don't have to be a member - if you care for Marple you will be very welcome.
Better still, bring a friend, neighbour or family member - join us for a chat over refreshments at 2.40pm - All are welcome (N.B. only members can vote for election of officers and committee members)

If you wish to stand for committee or to nominate someone, you can obtain a nomination form by emailing us: