Thursday, 25 April 2019

A Bright Future for Marple Civic Society - the conclusion of a lively workshop

There is no doubt that Marple still needs a Civic Society; an independent voice to continue working for Marple. That is the view of those who wrote to us and the many who attended the recent AGM and Evening Workshop to discuss:                                      "The Future of the Civic Society"  

             The next meeting of potential volunteers 
             is on Monday 20th May 2019
             in Marple Library at 7.30pm

if you haven't yet responded or attended an event, but are interested in volunteering, please come along to the meeting - you will be most welcome

Gillian Postill - Presentation
The latest event took place on Monday 15th April. Gillian Postill opened the Evening Workshop and gave a summary presentation of the society's function with examples of projects, campaigns and other typical activities it is involved in.
You can see the presentation slides HERE

Ian Harvey - Executive Director of Civic voice
 Ian Harvey, Executive Director of Civic Voice, the National Civic Movement for England & Wales, joined us for the workshop. Ian's enthusiasm soon reassured us that we were not alone - he explained that many societies across the country had risen to   the challenge and overcome    the dilemma of leadership succession and gone on to build a better and brighter future for their civic societies. 

Ian promised to help and support Marple Civic Society in the process of transition.

     The lively workshop was led by Ian Harvey, Gillian Postill and member Geoff Green. 

Workshop session 1
Two key questions were examined:
1. Why do we need a society?
2. What does making Marple a better place mean to         you?

Workshop session 2                                               The groups discussed alternative structures and            ways of working that might work for the society in        the future

Finally, we asked for people willing to meet again with a view to discussing an action plan and volunteering to take the Civic Society forward to a bright and active future.
The response to the workshop and previous appeals for help has been heart warming - we believe the society has a bright future...........But we still need more volunteers - come along to the next meeting on Monday 20th May  2019 - see above for details

You can read a summary of the workshop HERE

View the presentation slides HERE and a summary of the workshop HERE

If you believe we still need a Civic Society in Marple, put the 20th May in your diary
see above (red text) for further details of next meeting

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Invitation to Workshop Meeting - Monday 15th April re: The Future of Marple Civic Society

     It was the Civic Society's 57th AGM on Tuesday 26th March 2019

                       A Presentation & Discussion took place re:
                             'The Future of Marple Civic Society'  

                     This will be followed by an 
             Evening Workshop Meeting on Monday 15th April 
                  all welcome - you don't have to be a member - see further details below

Angus Yeaman retired after almost 50 years of service as a committee member in various capacities and as the society's President for the last 8 years. Although Angus was unable to attend the AGM, Arthur Procter gave him a beautiful photo which he took of 'The Roman' Packhorse Bridge and the Society had it framed to thank Angus for his outstanding contribution to the society.

Chairman Gillian Postill announces her retirement

The Chairman, Gillian Postill, announced her retirement after serving on the committee for 12 years and in the role of chairman for 9 years. She spoke of considerable community work in relation to the Town Centre and Marple Wharf and development of the Society's planning system, as significant activity during her chairmanship. She thanked committee members, past and present, for their support and hard work.

Treasurer Gordon Johnson talks about past projects
Following the Business Meeting, Gillian led a presentation to address the future of the society in light of four committee members and the membership secretary retiring this year. 

Treasurer Gordon Johnson talked about the varied projects the society has been involved in, demonstrating the wide scope of the society's work. Planning co-ordinator, David Cooper, explained how the society now works in a systematic way in dealing with planning applications. 

Gillian explained that the society was in a good position - a healthy membership,  a secure financial position and well respected for the way it functions from a knowledgable evidence base.

Unanimous support 
that Marple Civic Society should continue
           for the protection of Marple   

The Society is ripe for new blood to get involved to build on the past and take it forward. Those present at the AGM were in no doubt that the society should continue - but that will only happen if volunteers come forward. 

 Gillian said: "working for Marple through the Civic  Society is one of the most exciting and rewarding  things you can do - and you don't have to be a  'professional' - I'm a nurse but I love Marple and I love   people - that's all you need to succeed"

                      See minutes of 57th AGM HERE
              Thanks to Arthur Procter for the photos


Ian Harvey -
Executive Director of Civic Voice
will join us to help facilitate the meeting
  Invitation to Workshop Meeting 

     "The Future of Marple Civic Society"

          Monday 15th, April 7.30 - 9.30pm
                 Venue: Marple Library 
     Registration and refreshments from 7.15pm

          Does Marple need a Civic Society?
                   if the answer is 'yes'
                - How should it function?
                - What should it do?
                - Who will do it?

Please join us to answer these questions and ensure that Marple Civic Society has a strong and bright future and continues to care for Marple

There is no charge for this workshop and everyone is welcome - you don't have to be a member of the society to attend - all are assured of a warm welcome..