Thursday, 12 December 2019

Wharf Planning Application Rejected

Stop press from Area Committee meeting 11/12/19

Last night at the Marple Area Committee meeting the application for building seven houses and converting the wharf building to community use was rejected by the five councillors for Marple. Andrew Moorhouse spoke against the application on behalf of the society, and a team of five from the developers and the Community Interest Company spoke in favour. 

The principal reasons for the councillors rejecting the application were parking and traffic congestion issues, pointing out that very little had changed since the previous application to address these same issues.

Just to reiterate from previous posts, the Society supports in every way the proposal by the Wharf Project to bring to life a historic building for community purposes linked to the Marple canal heritage. It is hoped now that the Canal and Rivers Trust will reconsider its approach and bring forward a proposal that ensures the Wharf Project proceeds but with sufficient parking and appropriate regard for the heritage value of the whole wharf area.

Further details of the meeting (including video recording of the proceedings) can be found on the Council's website here

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Marple Area Committee: Wednesday 11th December 6pm.

Area Committee - Wharf Planning Application

Included in the forthcoming area committee meeting will be consideration of the application for the Marple Wharf area. Andrew Moorhouse will be speaking on behalf of the society, laying out reasons why this application should be refused.

The society supports in every way the proposal by the Wharf Project to bring to life a historic building for community purposes linked to the Marple canal heritage. However, the application comes as a package with seven houses and an ancillary refuse storage building and we believe there is not enough space to accommodate all the component developments proposed within it. 

Granting planning permission would not result in the best outcome for Marple and its canal heritage. Members are encouraged to attend the meeting and show the Area Committee the level of interest surrounding this matter and cause them to carefully consider their decision.

Further details of the meeting can be found on the Council's website here

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Notice of AGM

A date for your diary: AGM to be Feb 8th 2020 at 10.30am in Marple Library

Notice of the AGM including agenda is now available here. We very much hope that as many members as possible will attend, as the meeting will be a chance to meet the new committee and discuss all that is going on in the society. The short business meeting will be followed by a lively presentation by a visiting speaker: final details are being confirmed and will be passed on in the New Year.

Meet the Team

The AGM notice also includes some brief details of those currently serving as committee members and seeking election at the AGM, demonstrating the breadth of experience of those currently involved in directing the Society. We are still keen to add one or two more people; we are especially short of women so please do consider whether you might be able to join us.