The society's annual social evening will take place this Thursday, 9th October 2014 at 7.30 in Marple Library.
The speaker for the evening is Norman Redhead, Heritage Management Director (Archaeology) Greater Manchester Archaeological Advisory Service (GMAAS)
Norman is well known for his work on archaeological projects and community digs throughout the borough including those in Marple and Mellor. He returns to Marple to lead the archaeological project at the Lime Kilns as part of the HLF funded 'Revealing Oldknow's Legacy' project.
Due to an unavoidable delay in the Oldknow project getting started, it hasn't been possible to carry out a community dig this summer as hoped. Nonetheless, English Heritage funded survey works and research have been completed leading to a better understanding of this Scheduled Monument.

Do come along to find out more about the Lime Kilns which are now getting the attention they deserve after many years of being boarded up, out of sight and prey to the elements.
Join us for a glass of wine and what promises to be an exciting presentation and congenial evening.
Venue : Marple Library - upstairs meeting room - lift available
Date: Thursday 9th October 2014 - 7.30 - 9.30pm
All speaker meetings are open to members of the public and are free of charge
bring your friends, neighbours and relatives - they will be most welcome.
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