The society held its annual audit and activity planning meeting on 25th November. This year we invited a group of members to take part in our audit and to contribute to ideas for next year.
The meeting was held to reflect on the work carried out during 2014 and plan for the year ahead. We do this because, as a registered charity, we are obliged to work in a transparent manner and to report each year to the Charities Commission on how we have met out charitable objects. (We must also submit annual accounts). The audit is useful as a means of telling our members what we have done in their name during the past year. The activity plan helps us decide our priorities for next year and to allocate resources accordingly. This year, thanks to several volunteers coming forward at the planning meeting, we have decided to strengthen our planning activity and to set up a town centre sub group. This group will meet for the first time in the New Year.

Minutes of the meeting can be viewed here and the audit and planning presentation can be viewed here.
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