In response to a wholly unsatisfactory traffic scheme by Stockport Council in 2013 the civic society arranged an alternative community town study in 2015 by Phil Jones Associates. You can view the study
Workshops & Phil Jones Associates Study of Marple |
A Neighbourhood Plan Forum was then set up to take forward positive regeneration of Marple Town Centre and address other planning issues in Marple - a Neighbourhood Plan is a means of local people being more involved in shaping where they live.
The civic society is an affiliated community group on the Neighbourhood Forum and is a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Town Team.
It has been a tortuous route to get to where we are.
You can view the summary timeline
The council recently commissioned Atkins, their consultants, to carry out another Marple town centre study/traffic count. The council's traffic engineers still harbour desires to widen the junction at Hollins Lane including a two stage pedestrian crossing and converting the roundabout at Littlewood's butchers into a traffic lighted junction, reminiscent of their scheme in 2013.
Marple deserves better, much better. Through the Neighbourhood Plan we will continue to work with the Phil Jones Associates Study for the positive regeneration of Marple. This approach would unite Marple and turn it into a people friendly town rather than a congested, traffic dominated one.
Stockport Council's Vision for Marple - 2013 scheme - see HERE |
2008 - The Hollins junction came under threat for the first time
2013 - The council's 2nd attempt to widen the Hollins with the addition of traffic lights to replace the roundabout at Littlewoods butchers
2018 - These junctions are threatened again following the SMBC Atkin's transport study:
- Hollins Lane/Stockport Road
- Hibbert Lane/Stockport Road
- Church Ln/Hibbert Ln
- Stockport Road/Station Road/Cross Lane
An alternative Vision - this is how Marple could look
Artists impression - view west along Stockport Road towards Hollins Lane
This sort of approach would unite the town centre which is currently 'divided' by the barrier effect of Stockport Road and :
- help to reduce traffic congestion
- create a people-friendly town and reduce the dominance of traffic
- ensure all shops are easily accessible on foot from one shop to another
- provide easy access to community facilities and civic amenities
- ensure the town is safe, convenient and pleasant for everyone, whether on foot, cycle, bus or car
- reconcile traffic movements with quality public spaces in the town centre