Chairman Gillian Postill reported another busy year. Her report focussed on planning matters including the society's response to the consultations on the National Planning Policy Framework (done through the national body for the civic movement, Civic Voice), the Greater Manchester Spacial Framework (GMSF), the Stockport East Multi Modal Study (SEMMMS) and Stockport's own Local Plan. Finally she mentioned Marple's Neighbourhood Plan to which the society is an affiliated member working on town centre issues. She went on to announce the forthcoming planning workshops the society is organising in May and July this year.

Treasurer Gordon Johnson reported that the society is in a sound financial position showing a small financial surplus. On behalf of the membership secretary he reported a stable membership of 350 at year end.
The business meeting was followed by a very interesting talk from Paul Hartley, Conservation Officer for Stockport MBC about how conservation can benefit Marple.
The society'a accounts for the year ending 31st December 2017 can be seen HERE
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