Saturday, 13 October 2018

Greater Manchester Spatial Framework 2nd draft delayed

The second draft of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF - the development plan of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)) has been delayed for the second time. Official population estimates have fallen which could mean that less households will be needed in the GMSF plan.

                                        Key points from the latest GMSF news release:

- The Government intend to apply a new formula to housing growth
- The GMCA seek urgent clarity from government on housing figures
- The second draft plan will be put before each council and local ward councillors will have a      say on it
 - The public will be fully involved

Greater Manchester's lead for housing, homeslessness and infrastructure, Paul Dennett, said"For the GMSF to be a success we have to ensure that the Greater Manchester public are fully involved in this process"  - this is good news and something the Civic Society will be monitoring carefully.

Read the full news release HERE

Monday, 8 October 2018

Social Evening Thursday 11th October 2018

The society's annual social and speaker evening will take place this Thursday - everyone is welcome - you don't have to be a member of the society to attend. Doors open 7.15pm

                       Topic: Why Become a Councillor? (at the age of 19?)
                       Speaker: Councillor Thomas Dowse
                       Venue: Marple Library 11th October 7.30 - 9.30pm
                       Refreshsments from 7.15 - complimentary glass of wine and nibbles

We have had councillors to speak at previous speaker meetings: Cllr Wright, Cllr Bispham, Cllr Baker. But the reason for asking Cllr Dowse to speak at this years social evening is because of his (young) age.

Cllr Tom Dowse - Marple South and High Lane
Many people tell us we need to attract younger people to the society but they don't tell us how to do it! So what attracts young people to want to make a difference, have a say and influence where they live? Perhaps Tom Dowse will have some answers as he became a councillor at just 19 years of age. He has taken on an enormous responsibility. So what led him along this path when still in full time education at Manchester University? Come along to what promises to be a fascinating insight into what drives young people into areas normally reserved for, shall we say, the more mature!

This is an open meeting, free of charge, and all are welcome - you don't have to be a member to join us at 7.15pm for a glass of wine and nibbles - we look forward to seeing you.

Next year we hope to find a group of 'younger' people to start a new and fresh section of the society and run it their way, perhaps with facebook and other social media and maybe meet in the local pub after school or work. We know younger people care passionately about Marple - so, if this idea floats your boat, please get in touch - if it doesn't, definitely get in touch and tell us what will.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Committee Meeting Minutes 25th September 2018

Committee Meeting minutes for 25th september 2018 can be viewed HERE