Tuesday 3 May 2016

Neighbourhood Forum 'Right of Appeal'

Last week Peers defeated the government on a vote to allow parish councils and neighbourhood forums to have a 'community right of appeal' against decisions that conflict with their neighbourhood plans. 

The House of Lords voted 251votes to 194 for the amendment to the Housing and Planning Bill.

Neighbourhood forums and parish councils can set out priorities for development through a Neighbourhood Plan but Civic Voice, CPRE and NALC argue that there is not a sufficient rigt of appeal for a neighbourhood planning body in cases where a local authority has granted permission for a scheme that conflicts with the Neighbourhood Plan.

At 2.30pm on Tuesday, 3rd May the amendment to the Housing Bill will be debated in the House of Commons. The civic society has written to William Wragg MP asking him to join the debate and support the amendment. He is supportive of a Neighbourhood Plan for Marple and is due to meet the minister ahead of the afternoon debate to argue the case for the amendment. 

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